What I do...
ich baue
With „rapid construction“ we have established our own building system based on pre-fabricated timber / timber-hybrid modules. SCRUM and 6σ is boosting efficiency and satisfaction.
i generate
Since 2010 I generate solutions for public sector - as general contractor and investor - especially when it comes to special purpose living or residential buildings for people in special situations.
Building has become unaffordable! Pre-fabrication based on long-term experience is accelerating building process by 50% and is generating cost advantage up to 35%.

ich baue | i generate | j‘accélère
Sustainability Network
SIA Nordic Homes
Co-Owner and Executive Partner
Schutzgemeinschaft Deutscher Wald e.V.
Member of the Board

Social Campus
Initiator and Owner
Nordic Homes is a prefabricated timber frame and hybrid module specialist from Latvia. Since 2010 Nordic Homes has delivered more than 52.000m2 of gross leasable area of multistorey buildings, in student accommodation, residential and hotel sectors in Sweden, UK, Iceland, Germany and Faroe Islands. Nordic Homes is one of the leading forces to redefine the pre-fabrication limits, cost efficiencies combined with high flexibility, high quality and sustainable pricing.
The German Forest Protection Association (SDW) e.V. is one of the leading forces in global sustainability and environmental education. The concept of sustainability as a whole has emerged from forest management to a well-established organization for guide-lining everything what is in relationship with sustainability, nature and forest conservation.
Special accommodation solutions, with residential complexes in Bavaria, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein for special purpose living of people with disabilities, multiple disorders, mental illnesses, poverty and problems accessing the regular housing market. Initiated and owned by Markus Gildner and managed by the German Red Cross, Lebenshilfe e.V., the Katholik Dominicus Ringeisen Werk and the State of Bavria.

I generate
Solgården Group
Initiator and Owner
General contracting for public sector and group-own projects, with expertise in serial construction and timber pre-fabricated construction for the target group “people in special life situations”, as well as Corporate investments activities in companies of the construction industries as well as properties and development projects.

Craftsman Hospitality
Initiator and Owner
Guest houses, holiday homes and Senior Executive Living, offering high and cool standard at sustainable pricing, situated in the metropolitan region of Nurenberg, Erlangen and Fürth as well as in the holiday region of German’s North Coast.

About me...
Natural born craftsman...
1971 | Born into a hard working family of craftsmen in rural Bavaria, I made my first steps as entrepreneur at the age of 20.
1991 | Within one year my activities had grown from an “one-man-bucket-shop” to a 10 employee specialist in commercial data processing for clients like Siemens, DATEV, etc. and developed into a medium-sized SAP system house.
2004 | After the successful sale of my company, I joined my “sweetheart customer" Siemens IT Services in the worldwide responsibility developing new products, services and business models.
Passion for building...
2010 | Due to the fact that the construction industry has not developed any significant technical progress for decades, I started building. Curiosity, diligence, intuition and a strong technical competence are the basis of my building activities.
2015 | "Housing for people in special life situations", a highly recommended housing project, has attracted the interest of Public building authorities and social institutions. This led to substantial investment activities, with a sustainable portfolio of buildings in Bavaria, Hesse, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein.
2023 | Year of fate..!
In June 2023, the diagnosis was "parasellar mass with distress of the optic chiasm", in simple words brain tumor, with imminent blindness! At the same time, soaring building costs, inflated land prices, labyrinthine bureaucratic processes, and unfavourable financing conditions let construction industry suffer extremely. Prominent insolvencies were leaving a feeling of doom and gloom. This also offers opportunities!
2024 | „winds of change“…
After successful surgery and recovery, I decided 1st change my lifestyle and 2nd change my building system. With the management buyout of SIA Nordic Homes, an experienced timber modular construction specialist from Latvia, and the symbiotic partnership with Kaspars Senvalds, we will be able to reduce construction costs by approx. 35%, shifting 85% of value-add to prefabrication and this will make even unprofitable projects do-able again, with significantly less on-site activities, hazzle and faster deployment.
Main Post / Biomarkt und Wohnen: Würzburger Ausschuss erteilt Baugenehmigung für den "Sozialcampus Frankenhalle"Main Post / Biomarkt und Wohnen: Würzburger Ausschuss erteilt Baugenehmigung für den "Sozialcampus Frankenhalle"
Eine deutliche Mehrheit des Bau- und Ordnungsausschusses sprach sich für den Bau des "Sozialcampus Frankenhalle" in der Äußeren Pleich, Würzburg aus.
Apr 10, 2022
ARD / Das Erste / Schöner wohnen für Alle!
Die Flüchtlingskrise 2015 hat eine bisher ignoriertes Problem zutage befördert: Guter und bezahlbarer Wohnraum ist Mangelware. Mit seinem Pilotprojekt THE PEOPLES PROJECT hat der Unternehmer Markus Gildner gezeigt dass schnell, günstig und gut im Wohnungsbau sich nicht unbedingt widersprechen müssen.
Mar 3, 2016
Chicago Tribune / Graveyards aren't sacred as migration tests German housing
German landlords have been complaining for years that cumbersome regulations make it complicated and expensive to build homes. Now, with 800,000 refugees forecast to arrive this year and nowhere for them to stay, politicians are beginning to see their point.
Sep 30, 2015
Die Welt / Reihenhäuser für Flüchtlinge
Container sind billig, aber halten nur wenige Jahre. Warum also nicht für Flüchtlinge günstige Häuser bauen, die man Jahrzehnte nutzen kann? Erste Projekte gibt es – doch sie werden angefeindet.
Sep 28, 2015
Süddeutsche Zeitung / Schöner Wohnen für Flüchtlinge
Ein Unternehmer will in Mittelfranken sechs Reihenhäuser für Flüchtlinge bauen. Darin soll es überwiegend Zwei-Zimmer-Wohnungen geben, in denen 60 Asylbewerber leben sollen. Im Ort regt sich Widerstand gegen die Pläne - aus verschiedenen Gründen.
Jul 17, 2015
Bild am Sonntag / 200 Bürger wüten gegen Townhouses für Flüchtlinge
Die Bürgermeisterin in Eckental (Bayern) verschwieg fast ein Jahr lang, dass ein Unternehmer Reihenhäuser für Flüchtlinge errichten lassen will.
Jul 11, 2015

+49 170 1955830
Herzogenaurach Office: Ansbacher Straße 12
91074 Herzogenaurach
Tel: +49 9132 7290400
Hamburg Office:
Grindelhof 83
20146 Hamburg
Tel: +49 (040) 87 50 67 37